What Container To Freeze Soup In
If you’re storing soup in the freezer, it’s important to use the right container to avoid freezer burn, maintain flavor, and keep your soup safe to eat. Here are some tips for freezing soup in the perfect container that ensures your soup will freeze perfectly and still taste fresh when you take it out of the freezer later.
What containers are best for freezing soups?
Glass is one of many great containers that you can use to freeze soups. You’ll want to be careful with glass, though, as the soup is heavy and can cause breakage if not handled correctly. Glass is best suited for freezing liquids that won’t expand when frozen, such as water and broth.
Plastic, Glass, Metal, or Foam Container To Freeze Soup In
Which One is Best? It might be hard to believe, but there’s more than one way to freeze soup. There are actually several methods you can use that are both safe and secure. With that said, there are some issues to consider when freezing soup no matter what kind of container you choose. In order to figure out which method is best, let’s take a look at all of your options and see which ones are best for freezing soup based on your needs.
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If you love soup, but aren’t always home to eat it right away, freezing it can be the best way to make sure you can take advantage of your hard work making a meal that everyone will enjoy! But which container should you use? Plastic? Glass? Here are the pros and cons of several different options so you can determine which one works best for you and keep your food safe as well!
Best value containers
One of your first considerations when looking at what containers to freeze soup in is price. Sure, it’s nice to save money, but you don’t want a flimsy plastic bag that could burst or spill your food while frozen. It also needs to be easy enough to carry so you can transport it home from work on a hot day. The best value containers tend to be a middle ground between cost and durability. You’ll pay more than other options but less than expensive brands.
Plastic Container To Freeze Soup In
This may be one of your most affordable options, but it’s also one of your least safe. There are two types of plastic that you should avoid when freezing liquids: PET (polyethylene terephthalate) and PVC (polyvinyl chloride). These chemicals can leach into food at freezer temperatures, making them unsafe to eat. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!
If you’re using plastic containers, it’s a good idea to leave room at the top so that soups or stews don’t spill out when opened. But, because plastics can leach chemicals into your food, be sure that they are BPA-free. Plus, these types of containers don’t microwave safe, meaning you can only use them for cold foods like chilled soups.
Glass Container To Freeze Soup In
If you’re going to store anything—including soups—in glass, be sure it’s made from tempered glass. This type of glass is stronger than conventional glass, which means it can withstand colder temperatures without cracking. So, these containers are ideal for frozen soups. Just make sure not to fill them completely full when storing; if liquid expands during freezing, it could crack a hole in your container.
Stainless steel Container To Freeze Soup In
Metal containers are durable, but they’re also heavier than plastic, which means they might not be ideal if you have a long walk home. If you have a lot of leftovers, though, stainless steel containers can keep your food fresh longer than their plastic counterparts. Plus, since metal is nonporous, it’s unlikely to harbor dangerous bacteria like BPA.
Vacuum-sealed bags
When it comes to freezing, vacuum-sealed bags are your best option. You’ll want a thick material like food-grade plastic, as thin materials can be susceptible to leaks from ice expansion. The plastic protects against freezer burn while preserving flavor, texture, and nutrients. Plus, they’re a cinch to store and use.
Gallon ziplock bags
In general, ziplock bags don’t retain odors; however, squeeze as much air out of each bag as possible before freezing. If you plan on making a large batch of soup from scratch, then store it in multiple smaller bags instead of one big one. For example, if you’re going to make 10 quarts of soup total, then store one quart each in its own gallon-sized bag.
Freezer bag rolls
This is our top choice, especially if you’re freezing soups that include meat or vegetables that would be damaged by being near each other in a plastic bag. The rolls eliminate air from inside your freezer bag, meaning food stays fresher longer. For convenience, we recommend buying rolls of reusable bags with resealable tops so you can fill them quickly when you’re ready to make another batch of delicious homemade soup.
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Soup Container For Freezer You Need In Your Kitchen
With the right container to freeze soup in, you can ensure that your soup won’t break and that it will be safe for you to eat for a long time. We hope this article has helped you find the best options for storing soup safely in your freezer! If you’re looking for other options for storing soup, please contact us anytime. We’re always happy to help!